Fozzi’s Foam – Extremely Fun Soap Foam

[Ad- gifted products] Robin is known to enjoy her baths. From a young age, she’s always been a fan of bath toys, bath gel, snow, bath bombs and the like. We’ve previously even purchase a few different bath soap foams, with Robin having a current favorite, before we were contacted about Fozzi’s Foam for Fun! Robin very much wanted to try out this new foam, so we put three bottles to the test.

The Fozzi’s Foam comes in a bottle that has a sort of sprayer, almost like a blaster, at the front. This allows you to spray the walls of your bathroom or spray out towards the sides of your tub. Robin likes drawing with bath crayons on the tile walls, so instantly started spraying words on there. The trigger allows you to pull down to spray far or if you just press down a bit, loads of foam will snake out of the front, to gather in your hands.

Each of the different bottles have different colors and smells. The pink bottle had the lightest scent, which might be ideal for those looking to make sensory tubs and wanting to do something that’s a bit less intense. The blue color was Robin’s favorite, which had a bubble gum scent that hit us as soon as it was sprayed. The purple, on the other hand, smelled like lavender, and was my favorite!

Fozzi’s Foam is quite fun to watch as it foams up, and even more fun to smash down onto solid surfaces, so they splash up everywhere. Robin loved the amount of color in each one and it was all very easy to wash off the walls with none left when we drained the tub. After playing around for a bit, Robin used them in the bath on her own for a bit, and when I returned later, she had used up all three cans and was in a giant foam-tub bath. The water of the bath changed color too, which hasn’t happened with similar foam, acting like a bath bomb. She’s declared that Fozzi’s Foam is much more fun and colorful then the previous brand I had been getting for her, so we’ve actually ordered the yellow, green and orange pack to check out further.

Check out more of our toy reviews!

8 thoughts on “Fozzi’s Foam – Extremely Fun Soap Foam

  1. Karen says:

    Who doesn’t love a foaming bath…I love it…It is definitely soooo much fun lol…I will get it. Thanks a lot…

  2. Melanie E says:

    I love the sound of the Fozzis soap foam. It’s great that they have different colours and that it is both easy and fun to use by kids whilst having a bath.

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