Getting your Home ready for Christmas

When it comes to Christmas time, that often means family coming to your house to visit. After last year, many people in England haven’t had family around for the holidays for two years! This means that you might be looking to get your house ready for the holidays, to ensure you have it presentable to impress your family. We have been spending the week decorating, updating, and getting our house ready – there is always so much to do. Hopefully, this post will help you get organised and ensure your home is Christmas ready!

Declutter and Dust

One of the first things we do this time of year is declutter. This step is not only important for when it comes to making room for decorations, but also to make room for future gifts and items that come from Christmas time. We go through all of our rooms and check out items that we haven’t touched. We went through our bookshelves and donated some of the older books we haven’t read to our children’s school, cleaned out old toys for the charity shop, went through our nick-nacks and got rid of any that doesn’t bring us joy, and generally dusted everything off. There is a lot of items in homes that can be tidied away or even donated this time of year, so it’s a perfect opportunity to do a big clear out!

Decorate Everywhere

Once you have the house looking nice and clean, it’s time to decorate! Each house is decorated differently. We went out and picked out a Christmas tree and decorated that as our living room’s center piece. This required some furniture re-arranging, which opened up the space. Christmas trees are often a major feature of the front room, with lights and decorations all along it. To decorate the front of our home, we hung up some lights and a beautiful Christmas Wreath, so that even from the outside our home is ready. We have set the table ready for Christmas as well, with a table runner, center piece, and lots of beautiful plates and cutlery, which can be dressed before people come on Christmas day.

Guest Bedrooms at the Ready

If your family is traveling from far away, you will need to consider getting your guest room all ready for them. You will want to clear out any items you have been shoving into your spare room, to ensure it is still a livable space. I know I tend to put items I don’t want to deal with in spare bedrooms, for later! Next, it’s important to take a look at the mattress you have in your guest bedroom. Whether you have a small double bed or a massive king sized for your guests, having a comfortable mattress is essential for your guest to have a good night’s sleep. Your mattress should be changed out every 6 to 8 years. You can easily get a new mattress in time for the holidays, especially with sites like Divan beds, where you can easily pick them out and have them delivered. We also always get a nice candle or smell to place in our guest bedroom, to freshen up the place as well.

The Big Shop

If you have gotten this far, it is likely that you are hosting for the holiday season. This means that you will need to be stocking up your pantry, getting your freezer ready for leftovers, and doing a lot of cooking! It’s a great time to declutter your pantry and fridge, as well as ensure you have all of the essentials. If you are having family over, you will want to have a lot of basics – condiments for picky eaters, drinks that everyone would enjoy, lots of snacks – as well as everything for a Christmas dinner. The big shop before people come over is always a big task, so creating lists of everything you need and then making sure you have space will be key in making sure your home is well stocked for everyone coming! Don’t forget things like quick-to-grab breakfasts and midnight snacks.

Wrap your Gifts

Sometimes, when you are in charge of hosting and getting your home ready, you forget about the little things. Ensuring you wrap your gifts and make sure they are ready to go will save you time when people get to your home. You can create a space to wrap up your gifts, then have it all cleaned up and away before your guests arrive, so that there is no last-minute rushing around to ensure everything is all wrapped up. Whether it’s a cozy sweater, a chic handbag, or a men’s steampunk costume for that unique touch, thoughtfully wrapped gifts can enhance the festive atmosphere. Gifts also make for a good decoration, if that makes sense, as you can stick a few under your tree or smaller gifts into the tree itself, which bring a big Christmas feel to your home!

Check out some of our other articles!

10 thoughts on “Getting your Home ready for Christmas

  1. Phoebe Thomas says:

    Such a good idea to do a clear out before Christmas. Every year our local shops do a collection of unwanted toys and books to give to disadvantaged children at Christmas which focuses us to reduce and think about others before the madness begins.

    • Jupiter says:

      That is such a good idea! We donated our books to the girl’s school (as they were asking for book donations) and gifted a lot of our toy clean out to a few families that could get more use out of them.

  2. Catherine says:

    I feel like for the first time I’m actually on top of things this holiday season! I made sure to get my decor out early so I didn’t have to rush last minute. Great tips!

  3. Thena Franssen says:

    Great tips! I love decorating the tree and being a part of the Christmas magic. It’s such a great time of the year.

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