Meet Henry Heartbeat & Meet Henrietta Heartbeat – Children’s story book | Review

Meet Henry Heartbeat

*AD – the items in this review was gifted to our household for this post. All opinions, as always, are our own.

We really like stories before bedtime in our house as they are a great way to wind down and enjoy just a little bit more family time. Books that have a very positive message are always a plus when it comes to picking what to read before bed. When we were offered the books Meet Henry Heartbeat and Meet Henrietta Heartbeat, we were pretty excited to see what these two new characters had to offer.

Both of these books serve as introductions into the lives of these two characters, defining who they are and what they like. They are short stories that can be read easily by younger children or can make for a quick bedtime store being read out loud to children. Both contain fun and simple rhythms and cute pictures to go along with each page. When reading these books, the children pointed out some of their family members and friends who had shown the same traits, recognising kindness in their own lives.

Meet Henry Heartbeat

Meet Henry Hearbeat introduces Henry, a young heart-shaped human who loves sharing his favourite toys, working well with his sister, and remembering everyone’s names. Henry is a likeable person packed with many positive characteristics, which show through his interactions with other people. The first book really defines him as a loving individual, ideal for interacting with friends and pets alike. Though short, this book is a good introduction to a character who could end up having some dilemmas to solve, while keeping to his positive and loving outlook. The book ends with the phrase ‘It’s Cool to be Kind’ which is one that kids should learn at a young age, as kindness is a very important trait.

Meet Henrietta Heartbeat

Meet Henrietta Heartbeat is very similar, as one would guess by the title, but this time introducing the sister of Henry Heartbeat (previously mentioned in Henry’s book). Henrietta is a lovely girl with a heart of gold who loves each and every day. She is excited and spends less time with toys, by the sounds of things, and more time helping out, dancing and singing. She is clearly a different character to Henry, with different interests and hobbies, but she is also kind and helpful, setting a good example for children. This book also ends with ‘It’s Cool to be Kind’ which is good to see referenced again.

Both of these books introduce a character that we would love to see go on adventures and make decisions that fit with their own views and styles. The fact that there are two kind characters, each with a different set of traits and ways to be kind, means that they might have different points of views when it comes to different decisions that need to be made. Henry and Henrietta are cute and seem nice, we look forward to seeing more of their books now that they are introduced to us!

Natalie Savvides

The author, Natalie Savvides is local to South West London and has two children of her own. She was inspired by the birth of her own two children to take action and try to make the world we live in a more happy, friendly, loving place. She wrote these two children’s books in hopes to achieve that and make an impact on young children, so that they could know the value of being kind at a young age.

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