In our hopes to make the most of the spooky, Halloween vibe that’s in the air, we have been looking for new local festivals to attend, and came across Land of the Dead! Land of the Dead is a festival that has a few different aspects to it; a pumpkin patch, a circus, few rides, food stands and some decorated houses that feel like a little village to explore. We had never been before and didn’t really know what to expect, so were happy to explore!

Outside the gates of Land of the Dead there were a few different photo opportunities; a large pumpkin you can take a photo in, a hearse that is all decorated and giant signs! Once you go in, there are lots of indoor and outdoor seating around a bunch of different food stalls. We had recently been to an event that didn’t really have many food options, so we were super delighted to see so many great places for dinner, but before dinner, we went to spend some times on the rides.
When it comes to purchasing tickets, we wanted to get circus + entry for Dann and I, and all access for our children, however we didn’t want to not have room at the circus so got all access for all of us, as you cannot pre-book just circus and entry and have to book on the day. So, with all access, I must say there wasn’t more than two rides that Dann and I could go on and plenty of room inside the circus, so I would next time just get entry and circus passes on the day for the adults. With that said, we did all go inside the Fun House; one of Robin’s absolute favorite rides at any place. This funhouse had a slide and a ball pit. All kids were allowed on in groups, and then sort of pulled off when they had been on for a while. It felt a little unorganised but Robin went in a few times and seemed to enjoy it! There was a “scrambler” type ride, one that spins loads, called Twister which is one of Amelia and Kai’s all time favorites. We even got Robin to go on as well, and she finally enjoyed trying it out as it was a little slower than at Adventure Island. There were also bumper karts for Kai and Amelia, as well as trampolines for Robin to go onto in that area. There were a few other rides for younger children as well. It wasn’t much but there was little wait!

We then went to check out the pumpkin patch, which was by this adorable little village, that Robin, Amelia and Kai really loved playing pretend in. There were spooky shops set up, pumpkins, and lots of places to take pictures. Land of the Dead actually had a lot of photo places! On the way to the pumpkin patch, there were different pumpkin displays as well as places to take pictures, pianos to check out and more. It’s a lovely little walk. Inside the pumpkin patch there were various pallets of pumpkins, as well as a few hay bail areas; one for climbing and one for photos. It is a cute area, though clearly the pumpkins didn’t come from there, so it’s not a traditional patch. There were also lots of people to take photos with at Land of the Dead, which is pretty neat, all dressed up for the Day of the Dead.

The circus at Land of the Dead was not one like we had been to before, and we have been to a lot of different circus’. This one was child focused, with special seats for children at the front. The circus followed a story about a boy who went to the Land of the Dead to find his ancestors. There was a lot of story telling throughout the whole thing, with little circus acts in between. All of the classics were there; juggling, fire eaters, people on ribbons, some really flexible people who were able to move around and do some interesting bending abilities. It was a really nice circus in the end with lots of interesting acts within it.
At the end of the night, we checked out some more rides and had some dinner, which was very delicious and well prepared. The rides all lit up and Land of the Dead was open to late, which was neat. They also had some of the circus out around the area after the circus had ended, doing little performances as well. I’m really happy we want along!

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!
That looks so amazing. I love all the colors and the vibe is so fun!
We had such a fun time!
Such cool memories of the festival. Very colorful and filled with joy.
This was totally new to me.
It was so much fun to explore it!
I have not hearrd of the land of the dead but sounds like a great day out for all the family will have to look out for it next year
I think it was their second year!
Halloween is the best holiday ever!!! I love going with my family to similar attractions, they’re awesome and so much fun.
It’s so great to dress up and get treats!
You guys are really in the spirit of Halloween this year! I love it…looks like you’ve had so much fun this month gearing up towards the holiday. I hope you have a great day!
I love Halloween (it’s the American in me!)
This looks like such a cool day out for the whole family
We really enjoyed it!
This event is so much fun! Halloween parties are awesome with kids, and opportunity to dress up in any character you want, without judgment.
It’s also just so much fun to dress up.