Laser X Revolution brings Laser Tag into your home!

Laser X Revolution

[Ad- gifted product] When raising our children, we do not have guns or gun games in our household. Not realistic ones anyway; you won’t find Nerf guns or Fortnight on TV. I do not feel that guns are toys and do not want our children to feel that they are. However, we do allow Laser Tag, as they feel like futuristic and made of lasers, much like squirt blasters, and are far from realistic. With that in mind, Kai has had his birthday party at laser tag arenas and was pumped to review the Laser X Revolution!

Laser X Revolution is a two player laser tag game in a box, where you can play at your own home; indoor or outdoor. You can even purchase more sets so that you can run a whole laser tag group from your home, as they all work with each other. This is a suggestion that Kai has been talking about, every single time he plays with this set, as a sleep over party theme instead of going to the local laser tag arena. The set itself comes with two laser guns, each one attached to a sensor that straps into the middle of your chest. This is easy to put on, as you just need to put your head through the head bit and arms through the arms bit.

One the Laser X Revolution is on, you can change the colours of them, picking whichever laser gun and sensor colours you want. This is done easily using the colour wheel selector or picking one of the pre-set colours on the chest sensor – there are 20 different colours to pick from. This is how you choose your team and decides who can fire against you. After you have fired ten times, you do need to pull back on the top of the laser gun before you can fire again. If you do completely die, you can just restart the chest sensor to restart yourself in the game.

As the Laser X Revolution can hit up to 90 meters away, which is quite far, allowing for fun outdoor uses. You can also blast the beams through mirrors or shoot them through windows, so that there is more strategy to them. As the Laser X Revolution lights up so vibrantly, we found we had the most fun playing in the dark. Kai found he couldn’t really hide well in the dark either, so it became a fast paced game of running around the house at night, laughing and switching out with Amelia and Robin whenever one of us needed a break. We are very likely to pick up at least two other sets, that way Robin, Amelia and Jupiter can get in on the action and play laser tag at home.

You can purchase your own Laser X Revolution from Smyths Toy Superstores.

Check out more of our toy reviews!

6 thoughts on “Laser X Revolution brings Laser Tag into your home!

  1. Interior Design Styles says:

    That is so so cool!!! I love that the kids (and of course me) get to play laser tagging at home, I will get it for sure lol…

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