[Ad- gifted experience] We always go to MCM Comic Con London as it’s just on our doorstep and they invite us often. This year, they combined with EGX, another event that Dann and I attend each year for work, so we were interested to see exactly how this went. EGX is a gaming event, normally just showcasing a bunch of games, and MCM Comic Con is sort of like a big store – full of geeky and nerd items, along with a lot of cosplayers.

Dann and I took Kai on the Friday, as he did not have school, and then we went on our own on the Saturday to finish off some work appointments we needed to attend. Most of our real MCM Comic Con explorations were during the Friday, where we spent the majority of the day there. Previously, Kai (along with Amelia and Robin) have attended some Comic Cons outside of London, so he knew what to expect. When we arrived, we went straight for the EGX side, as the event had two massive halls. The EGX area was well sign posted, though the area was actually quite small. There weren’t that many games in this section, but we did have a good time exploring and playing a bunch of indies. I am personally really glad they kept the left field collection, which has more out of the box indie games that feel very unique. This section was a bit distanced from the main games area though!

MCM Comic Con London had a few bigger games as well, including Fornight on the Lego stand, showcasing the Lego maps, and some other AAA games around this area. Dann and I don’t work in AAA, we are indie focused, so we spent most of our gaming time in the Rezzed area. We spent a lot of time playing games and meeting up with people we knew. There was a Look Like a Gamer stand as well, which had my picture up on it for the campaign! It was neat to see the games that they had there, as the indie game of the day seemed to rotate. Around lunchtime, we all got lunch at the food stands in this hall; I got some noodles, Dann got boa, and Kai got some duck on fries! The food stands were really spread between the two halls with lots of options and there was plenty of seating.

We then spent the rest of our day in the other hall, checking out the different stalls. Kai ended up picking up a few bits including a notebook and took a long look at the swords. They really do sell a ton of stuff; he was particularly interested in the DnD items as he and Dann go to DnD every other week. I just did window shopping on the Friday but on the Saturday got a bunch of Pokemon items for Amelia, stickers, Christmas Cards from the Artist Alley (which is really my favorite bit, as everything is made by individual artists) and got some Pokemon candy to give to our Pokemon Go Community. I do really enjoy shopping and there is tons of shopping to do!

This MCM Comicon London had less photo places then last year – that or I just didn’t find them. They had the big MCM Comic Con sign, but it was sort of shoved in a corner and hard to find. There also was a Zombie photo opp which Kai took part in, where Zombies came out and growled at him. There were a few big stands that you could take photos at, including the Wild Robot statue and a huge Lorcana booth that seemed very well set up. Obviously, there were a lot of cosplayers throughout! I saw more niche ones this year; I spun the wheel of excitement that some of the fairies from Neopets were holding and they gave me a prize, I saw Lazlo from what we do in the shadows and professor Oak gave me a Pokemon Eye Spy with Cosplayers to win a sticker. It’s neat that so many cosplayers had sidequests that you sort of unlock by taking their pictures. Overall, I did enjoy London MCM Comic Con but felt that there wasn’t actually much EGX focus. It was fun taking Kai along too!
You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!
I love comic con, they’re the best. I’ve been to the San Fransisco one, it was fantastic. I can’t wait to to the london’s MCM…Can’t wait.
You can’t beat a good Con! They always have so many great booths, and the celebrities are fantastic. Sounds like it was a great time.
I’m sure you all had a great time. I wish I could watch that comic con, too.
I have avoided ComicCon for years, though fear of how much merchandise my kids would plead for me to buy. They both have Saturday jobs now so can buy their own treats – maybe we should go next time it’s in town!
We have done Comic Con twice – the first time was great but the second time we went felt very overcrowded and it was hard to look around. I would definitely head there again at some point.
I love visiting the cons we have here, this one looks like it was a blast! I love the Nadja & Lazlo costumes and the Delicious in the Dungeon costume too. It seems like it was a great time.
Comic Con always looks like a great time, though I have never been it seems like such a fun way to spend your time. The stalls/stands full of merch are all so cool as well as the cosplayers that attend.
We’ve never been but have always wanted to do comic con with my eldest . Looks like you had a great time!
These comic cons are great! My nephews would have loved this if we have this at home. Looked like ya’all had a good time!
Would love to visit MCM Comic Con London onee day. Thanks a lot for introducing it to me.