Lite Brite Classic is back along with the Lite Brite Mini | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Much like Moon Shoes, I remember having a Lite Brite in my household. My sister and I would share it, often destroying each other’s perfectly crafted light art to make something new, plugging in the little pegs ourselves and watching it light up. In my head, they were bulkier, and much more of a challenge when it came to putting in the little pegs, but seems to be related to me being much smaller and having tiny fingers! I was pretty excited to introduce Amelia and Robin to Lite Brite as we felt they’d like it best. And, in the words of Robin, the Lite Brite has a baby!

Lite Brite Classic

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EUGY 3D Meerkat Model | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to puzzles, we seem to be doing more and more in our household! These 3D puzzle models have peaked the kids interest since I brought back a few packs from Spain well over a year ago, as a little gift from abroad. In more recent times, we have come to find that there are quite complex 3D puzzles and EUGY create a bunch of them – from animals that you’d recognise to mythical creatures like mermaids and unicorns – they have a puzzle for literally anyone. We took a look at the Meerkat Model, which creates a daddy and baby meerkat.

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3 recipes to serve with beer at home

[Ad- gifted product] With St Patrick’s Day on the horizon and a lovely new drinking stein in the house, we decided that we should try out some new food recipes which could be just perfect for an evening in, or after you’ve had a few drinks. We decided to go for a mix of meals, either coming up with our own ideas for the food or taking inspiration from elsewhere. As you’ll know from reading the blog, we love trying out new recipes and have also tried our hands at a few drinks kits over the last year. But, for this post, we’ve decided to tie the two things together with some great foods to try out on an evening of drinking.

We made three different meals, ranging from snacks through to very large portions, and we’ve got the recipes for all three of them below. There’ll be red pepper and pesto grilled cheese, fried pickles as well as bratwurst in blankets. They’re all great in their own ways, and – perhaps surprisingly – we had different favourites at the end of it all.

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Becoming a Plant Parent with Eddington House Nursery

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to plants, I can’t seem to get enough of them. Maybe it comes with getting older or wanting the finer things in life, but having plants around my house is something that brings joy to me. I love seeing them grow and change – seeing them thrive and continue on pushing forward. I’ve dabbled with quite a few plant subscriptions in the past, though I have found it’s hard to find one that is reliable and can deliver plants to your door – as none of us are able to go out now-a-days.

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A Day out at Standen House | A Beale Family Christmas

Jupiter recently got a National Trust membership as this year (and into next) seems to be one where primarily only outdoor events are what we are going to be getting along too. This membership covers a lot of parks, historical houses, and areas within Britain that we are going to aim to explore. So, when checking out the Christmas section of the National Trust website, we stumbled upon Standen House, where the Beale Family once lived – and though we didn’t really know who that was, we were excited to take a look around. Standen House ended up being one of our favorite National Trust sites in Essex.

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