Carfume Luxury Christmas Scents | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to air fresheners for cars, we tend to go with those big, plastic jelly bean looking ones that smell strongly of fruit. They are what we’ve seen people use, but in this day and age, with so much plastic being created and used, it’s worth taking a look at some other car fresheners that are a bit better for the world. Carfume air fresheners market themselves at luxury air fresheners – and they really live up to that!

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A Day Out at Christmas Wonderland at Lakeside

When we heard that Winter Wonderland in London was cancelled this year, we were pretty sad. Dann and I always make a journey to the lovely Winter Wonderland, enjoying all of the foods, rides, and more. Despite it being cancelled, Christmas Wonderland is taking place at Lakeside, and although it isn’t as big, it does have ice skating! I love ice skating so much, it’s something I’ve always done. As a young kid, when ponds would freeze over, everyone would get their skates and ice skate along them, playing games of hockey or just hanging out. It’s a lovely time, so when Dann surprised me with the tickets to go ice skating, I was pretty pumped.

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Christmas shopping across the miles with Moonpig

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to Christmas, there is always a lot of shopping to do! It’s one of my favorite things – picking out the perfect gift and seeing if your loved one enjoys it. As I live in a completely different country to my family, I do often send gifts directly to them – but since the world is currently the way it is, we are turning more and more to online shopping! It’s great that companies like Moonpig offer a variety of different cards, gifts and more that can be sent directly to your loved one’s home.

Their cards are what they are known for – and they have introduced a large amount of funny lockdown related cards and Christmas cards that can be send to your family and friends. There is even the option to add your own images to cards, sending Christmas cards that are personalised out. The inside of the cards can be written out by you, adding your own special message. It’s a great service that I do use when I need to send a card out to others! But, Moonpig also does gifts, so let me tell you about some of the coolest gifts on theirs site.

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Supporting a Charity this Christmas with Soap from Papyrus

[Ad- gifted product] Christmas is a very hard time for a lot of people within the UK. Being home is often not ideal for those who don’t have a family to go home too or don’t have a place that they feel comfortable being themselves in. This time of year reminds people of their family, especially if it’s fractured or not idea. It’s a stressful time financially for many, as pressure to spend money on others or not having enough is heavily greatened.

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Granny Franny’s Big Red Bus | Review

[Ad- gifted product] Granny Franny’s Big Red Bus is an adorable children’s bedtime story, about a fun day out for two young kids – in London! We love bedtime stories in our home, so finding new and fun books is something we tend to look out for. As we live so close to London, and travel into London often, I was pretty excited to read about an adventure on one of those big red London busses!

Granny Franny's Big Red Bus

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