Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts at the Polka Theatre

[Ad- gifted experience] We were delighted to be invited back to the Polka Theatre, especially as Robin loves this place so much! If you aren’t aware, they have a massive rom for younger kids, which has costumes, a reading corner, coloring, block building on a magnetic board and other toys to play around with. This time, due to the lovely weather, the outdoor play park was also open, however we were pretty busy on the day and didn’t stick around to play this time. We did, however, have a fantastic time watching Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts.

Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts is based off of the book of the same name, which Robin had seen at school but had not read yet. This story is about Sam Wu, who is known as “Scardy-Sam” but he wants to be more brave like the Space Man in a TV show that his grandmother has on VHS player. There are a lot of moments that will make adults feel old, like when the clearly children mention that VHS tapes are old and strange. The whole story opens up telling us about an accident that Sam had, which is why he is called Scardy-Sam, where he peed his pants in front of his bully and friends. This was after he watched some tapes that showed the amazing Space Man Jack, who fights Space Ghost. Sam wants to be like Space Man Jack.

His two friends, of course, defend him and they start on a process to make Sam less afraid, which consists of hunting a ghost in his house and getting a pet snake. Beyond Sam’s two friends and his bully, we also meet his talented grandmother, his younger sister who isn’t afraid of much, and his sister’s cat, who sometimes takes the form of a human-ninja-cat that can sniff out pastries! Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts has such a fun cast, with a few guest characters like Space Man Jack, Space Ghost, and the owner of the pet shop. There are really fun singing numbers, a lot of references, and a good message about not being afraid or not being sad that you are afraid sometimes.

Robin and Amelia really enjoyed this performance, where as Kai was – as a teenager – a bit too old for it, but did enjoy getting out and about as a family and found the ending songs and references to be funny. Robin asked if we could grab the book after the play, so we did! It’s so good to have these sorts of things to encourage reading and further support greater learning. The Polka sells a bunch of the books in their gift shop, to really highlight that this performance is based on the book. The Polka’s actors and stage always impresses!

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

18 thoughts on “Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts at the Polka Theatre

  1. Ben says:

    This is the kind of thing I always loved taking my kids to when they were little. I’d still go just for the nostalgia factor, honestly.

  2. Stephanie says:

    What a fun adventure! Nice everyone can read the book before or after the show. Also, looks like a great theater set.

  3. Rhian scammell says:

    That’s so good that it encouraged him to want the book. Anything to encourage reading is a plus x

  4. Sue-Tanya Mchorgh says:

    What a wonderful day at the Polka Theatre! It sounds like Robin had a blast exploring the kids’ room and enjoying “Sam Wu is NOT afraid of Ghosts.” The outdoor play park must have been an added bonus for future visits!

  5. Lavanda Michelle says:

    Sam’s quest to emulate Space Man Jack after a challenging incident adds depth to his character. It seems like a fun and insightful read for both kids and adults alike!

  6. Khush says:

    It looks like you guys had a great time at the Polka Theatre. Would love to take my nephew here he will enjoy it here.

  7. Paula Montgomery says:

    The play seems like a lot of fun with catchy songs and a positive message. Love that it encouraged Robin to pick up the book too.

  8. Melissa Cushing says:

    The characters looks o cool and fun and colorful in this one and I would so love to see this if it was near me. It looks perfect for the whole family!

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