See the World Through Others’ Eyes – an educational toy

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to science related toys, Kai is always down to do some learning! He actually got a pair of steampunk googles lately, which allow you to see like a fly, and so when we saw the See the World Through Others’ Eyes set, we knew that it was a great idea for him! This educational toy contains a bunch of different lenses, and a pair of google like glasses where you can insert up to three lenses per eye.

There is a variety of different lenses in the kit, from lenses that only allow you to see small holes to colored lenses, to lenses that make the world seem shimmery. They are really quite interesting to look through on your own, but pairing them with other lenses into the glasses makes it a really interesting experience. The glasses are really easy to use, you can just slide the lenses in, keeping the grip bit out to pull it out when it’s done. See the World Through Others’ Eyes comes with a little booklet that you can read, which tells you how other animals and creatures see.

Our biggest issue with See the World Through Others’ Eyes was actually this booklet. Though it did tell you what type of eyesight these animals have, it did not tell you what lenses needed to be inserted to see like them. We didn’t have a little guide for lenses, and none of the lenses themselves were labelled. I am not sure if we are missing a guide or something, but not having these meant that we did not know how to actually See the World Through Others’ Eyes. We were just messing around with the lenses, reading the text, and then guessing what lenses we would need based on that. If the lenses themselves were labelled and it stated to use X lenses in your glasses to see like a cat, for example, I do feel that would have provided for a better and more educational experience.

Either way, Kai and Amelia both really loved this set of glasses and spent quite some time playing around with what they could see, as well as looking at basically everything in the different lenses. There is a set of lenses that cuts off your side view, and some that really mess with the colors you see, which is always interesting to play with! As the toy was really easy to use, they didn’t even need our help.

Check out some of the other crafts and projects we’ve done.

14 thoughts on “See the World Through Others’ Eyes – an educational toy

  1. Tammy says:

    What a fun kit! It’s a great way to keep the imaginations alive for the little ones and remind them to look beyond the surface 😉

  2. Rhian Westbury says:

    That’s a shame that they weren’t labelled so you didn’t know what you were actually seeing, otherwise it seems like quite a fun kit x

  3. Lavanda Michelle says:

    Mixing educating and entertaining always helped my daughters learn faster ad about many other things when they were younger. I love this particular toy since it seems super cool. Thanks for sharing!

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