A Day Out at Cortex Circus

When the circus is in town, we are always around – so when we saw signs appear around our town talking about Cortex Circus, we had to book up tickets right away. This circus was a bit more pricey then previous ones that have appeared in our local town, with pretty expensive front row seating, but it turns out that’s because. a lot of the show is actually done towards the most expensive seating – with this circus being quite different from previous ones we have attended.

Cortex Circus has a bit of a punk feel, from the spike studded leather jackets to the graffiti that they have as their sign. This punk feel persists throughout the show – and there are a lot of different costumes and such that are on display, which correspond with the different acts that you can find on the stage in front of you. A lot of the acts had dancing numbers as well, which is pretty interesting. Several of the dancing numbers happened in between major acts, with a few others happening during acts, though these were not my favorite. The ones that actually happened during the acts sometimes made it so that we could not actually see the act itself, between the dancing and fog machines. Otherwise, the dance numbers were really well done and worked quite well in the setting.

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A Day Out at Nickelodeon Adventure Lakeside

Ever since Jupiter brought home a Spongebob Squarepants video game to review, the kids have been really interested in this strange, underwater sponge. With requests of Krabby Patties and random singing of “Krusty Krab Pizza, is the Pizza, for You and MEEEEE” around the house, we thought it was time to take the kids to Nickelodeon Adventure at Lakeside! This place has a massive Spongebob Squarepants section, as well as a Paw Patrol area and a Teenage Ninja Turtles area, but whoever you take needs to really love one of these TV shows to make it worth while.

Paw Patrol Area

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A Day Out at Carter’s Steam Fair

[Ad- gifted experience] We all love a good fun fair and have been to quite a few over the last few years! When it comes to a fun fair, we tend to look for cool rides, fun games, and the lovely lights as it hits evening time, lighting up the place around you. When we went to Carter’s Steam Fair, we were delighted by the variety of new rides we had not ever seen before, as well as the stunning designs on all of these restorations!

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A Day Out at Weald Park Country Show

[Ad- gifted experience] Earlier in the year, we were all invited to the Weald Park Country Show, which is a sort of town fair that had tons of different amusements, food stands, shops selling little goods, animals and more. We ended up only being able to go on the last day, but are sure to attend next year as well! The Weald Park Country Show really has a lot going on, so we spend the whole day there!

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A Day Out at Rascal Bay Adventure Golf

We love a bit of mini-golf at our household, so when summer came, we set off to a new golf course. This time, we went to Rascal Bay Adventure Golf in Brentwood. I’m not sure if Rascal Bay really knows what theme it want’s to be, and instead seems to combine pirates with dinosaurs, throwing in a lava zone and adding… cannibalism? Again, we didn’t really see how all of these connected in a small 18 golf hole place, but we were happy to be somewhere new none-the-less.

In Rascal Bay, you start off in a pirate area, going through holes that are themed around these. One of the first awesome holes we came too was a cannon that made a loud noise if you got the ball through it, spitting it out on the other side. It was a very good start to our golf time and proved to be Kai’s over-all favourite hole! Soon, we hit a hole with a photo opp in the middle – a pot cooking humans, which ended the pirate area for a bit, as we moved onto the jungle area. All of a sudden, the course was pretty focused on animals, the snake being Jupiter’s favourite hole. It looks like a really, impossibly twisty snake, but if you put your ball in you will hear a click and hear the ball being moved before shooting out the tail.

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