Looking for a pumpkin patch to find your Halloween Pumpkin is no small task. There are normally many, many pumpkin places around, but we wanted to explore something new! Jupiter found Marsh Farm’s Pumpkin Picking Village (and Halloween Festival) and was quite excited about it. It’s not too far from us by car, so we figured we’d all go after school and grab some pumpkins to carve up for our doorstep.
Arriving at the Pumpkin Picking Village, we were all impressed with the spooky barn that you have to enter through. Once in, you can put down a £5, refundable, deposit on a green wagon to take into the pumpkin area. We did get one of these as each of us were set on getting a decent sized pumpkin, as well as some smaller pumpkins, to decorate the house. Marsh Farm has set up their pumpkin village to be a great place to take photographs, as well as find the perfect pumpkin. There are a bunch of different types from nobbly ones to classic orange pumpkins, to white ghosts or spliced pumpkins (that had a few different squashes growing inside of other ones).

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