Lan Kwai Fong – East Asian Kitchen & Bar | Restaurant Review

Lan Kwai Fong were offering a bottomless dim sum and cocktails, which we were just not going to miss. With a limit of 90 minutes, we both filled our stomachs and enjoyed our drinks, getting a large selection of the food offered there. Lan Kwai Fong has plenty of other deals and offers, so keep an eye out on their website to find the best deals for what you want to get!

The Jazzy Plum and Dragon’s Eye

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A Day Out at the Polka Theatre for Cinderella: the AWESOME truth

Robin has recently gone to her first play at school, around the holiday season, and has been asking to go to more plays ever since. As we were looking for some good plays that all three of the children could enjoy, we came across the Polka Theatre, which has a bunch of plays aimed at younger children, as well as a great indoor and outdoor play area to explore. We booked tickets to Cinderella: the AWESOME truth, and were pretty excited!

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A Day Out at Lightopia London 2021

It is one of our yearly traditions to attend Lightopia! Previously, we have waited until January to go, but this year we figured we should grab tickets while we can, in case the event wasn’t on for as long as previous years. Lightopia, if you do not know, is an event ran by the same people who ran Dino Kingdom! They put on a huge showcase of light sculptures and music, that you can walk around, at various locations in the United Kingdom. We went along to Lightopia London, at Crystal Palace Park this year, as a double date with Claire and her partner.

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Get into the Holiday Spirits in London this December

[Ad- Collab] There are tons of things to do in London, especially around the holiday month! We love getting into the Christmas spirit by visiting London and checking out all of the different places within London to explore. If, unlike me, you live a bit far out from London, you should consider traveling into the area with the VIP pass, which will give you massive deals on places to stay, which can really make a difference in your experience. The VIP Pass gives you 7d/6n FREE hotel stay as a sign up bonus when you purchase the premium membership pass. But, let’s get into some of the fun things that you can do in London in December.

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland is an annual festival that happens right in Hyde Park in London. It’s a massive Christmas-themed market, fair grounds, and festive area. You can meet Santa there, eat a bunch of different foods, ride some rides, and pick out some Christmas gifts for your loved ones. We always go to Winter Wonderland in the month of December. Ensure that you do pre-book, though, so that you can make it in. There are different priced tickets, and if you go midweek in the morning, it’s actually completely free to enter Winter Wonderland, which can be a big help to your budget.

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A Day Out at Peter Harrison Planetarium

Kai has been given some interesting homework as of late, including a bunch of awesome projects to choose from, all around the subject he is learning about. One of the projects involved going to the in London. As we love taking the kids on adventures, we decided to head there and see one of the shows on offer – Kai choose ‘Meet the Neighbours’ which explored the galaxy and focused on some of the other planets and stars around Earth.

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