The Colour of Dinosaurs at the Polka Theatre

Stage at The Colour of Dinosaurs at the Polka Theatre

[Ad- gifted experience] If you are a regular reader of our blog, you’ll know that we adore the Polka Theatre. This theatre is far more than a place to watch performances; there is a reading area, a building block area, a dress up area, and outdoor area – it’s ideal for taking toddlers! We’ve been going to the Polka Theatre since Robin was a toddler and she still enjoys the magic of going back. This time, we went along to see The Colour of Dinosaurs – a play that’s heavily music themed, including a real palaeontologist that had actually discovered what color dinosaurs are!

The Colour of Dinosaurs starts off with the stage, decorated in a bunch of different instruments, with huge dinosaur neon signs above it. The story itself is not only about dinosaurs and their color, but also about how different individuals are and the actual stories of the people in this band. This play is primarily made up of a bunch of songs, that have small story scenes in between, linking them together to create one big message. Not only do they bring real fossils onto the stage, but they also use large black panels to showcase more information! Everyone is there to learn what color dinosaurs are and how we know, but also to learn about each other and finally come up with a name for their band.

You see, the cast themselves are all very different; one member has ADHD, one member is albino, another member can see sound instead of being able to see, one member can speak different languages and another… doesn’t quite know what makes them special. All together, they are looking to solve the mystery of how they discovered what color dinosaurs are. This is primarily done through learning about the dinosaurs and learning about melatonin. There are even some giant fluffy objects that look like different melatonin cells, which are passed around the audience. There is a lot of audience participation from shouting things out to asking questions to going up and helping with different aspects of the performance, so it will keep little ones engaged.

There were also different dancing numbers that allowed you to move your arms and get into the dancing feeling. We ended up learning so much about dinosaurs during The Colour of Dinosaurs, seeing so many fossils, and learning about people with differences and how it makes them feel now, as adults, even if they didn’t feel quite normal as children. There were just a lot of really good messages throughout this performance and learning moments about science too. Robin really enjoyed the play as expected, but Amelia and Kai both also found seeing fossils and hearing from the paleontologist to be very interesting as well.

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

13 thoughts on “The Colour of Dinosaurs at the Polka Theatre

  1. Kelly says:

    This looks amazing. So colourful. I love that this play describes how people are different from each other and that that is OK. I also like that there is audience participation,

  2. Yeah Lifestyle says:

    This sounds like a really fun and interactive show and really great for younger kids. It is good when you can watch something fun and learn lots of facts at the same time!

  3. Lisa says:

    This sounds like a great play and one that teaches kids a lot. The colors are also appealing, my niece would enjoy this a lot.

  4. Lavanda Michelle says:

    Thanks for sharing your experience at The Colour of Dinosaurs! It sounds like such a fun and educational outing for the kids. I love how they incorporate both music and learning about differences in such a creative way.

  5. Melanie williams says:

    Oh wow how cool does this experience look!! Looks like you all had an amazing time and it great that it is educational too xx

  6. Sue-Tanya Mchorgh says:

    “The Colour of Dinosaurs” sounds like a captivating and innovative play, blending music, storytelling, and paleontology. The unique setup, featuring neon dinosaur signs and real fossils, creates an engaging atmosphere. By intertwining songs with stories about the band members, the play offers a multifaceted experience that goes beyond the scientific quest to discover dinosaur colors. It also delves into themes of individuality and collaboration, culminating in the band’s journey to find their name. This inventive approach promises an educational and entertaining experience for all ages.

  7. Melissa Cushing says:

    I am loving the bright and colorful stage for this show and it looks like a great one for the family! I wish I was closer so I could see it!

  8. Khush says:

    My nephew would love to visit here. This play looks like so much fun. I can surely take him here he will enjoy.

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