Trying Violife Le Round Camembert Flavour

Violife Camembert

[Ad- gifted product]ย On this blog, we have tried a few of the different Violife products, but we had not tried the Le Round Camembert Flavour cheese round. All of these cheeses are completely vegan providing a great alternative for those who either don’t eat dairy or, like me, are intolerant to dairy. They also are just very good generally. Dann is a huge fan of camembert, loving the funk, but for me it can often be very overwhelming, so I was interested in seeing how the Violife brand would fare.

Violife Camembert

We decided to bake our Violife Camembert, to see how it would do in the oven. The dish itself was very simple – we took the cheese out of the package and placed it in an ovenproof dish. Using a pairing knife we cut slits along the top of the cheese. We then sliced up a clove of garlic, thinly, and slide them into the grooves in the cheese. We stuck some rosemary sprigs throughout, and then drizzled the whole thing with olive oil. We then placed the cheese in the oven at 200 degrees c for 20 minutes, until bubbly and oozing.

Along side the cheese, we took some mixed seed rye bread and cut it into chunks. We then threaded some rosemary through them, drizzled them with olive oil, and baked them along side the cheese to make something to dip into it! We then chopped up a nut and fruit mix, and placed that on our charcutier board. We also put some apricots, crackers and salami on the board to eat for lunch! We then dipped the bread into the cheese and then into the nut and fruit mix, which made for a very good bite.

The Violife Camembert did melt in the oven, getting very goopy and cheesy. Unlike the dairy based version of this cheese, there was no thick skin around the outside, which means you can dip right into it and enjoy. Now, I have to say, this was the best camembert I have ever had. The funky taste of this cheese was there, but it wasn’t too much. It’s an easy cheese to sit there and eat through in one sitting, but decadent enough that you will end up sharing it with someone. As the funk wasn’t too funky, I was unsure if Dann would love it – but he did as well. He felt it was a great balance and baking it up was a really fun way to eat it! It also came out really, really fancy looking, which could easily please a crowd. This cheese also came with a little book of recipes, which is a very nice touch.

Check out our other recipes.

18 thoughts on “Trying Violife Le Round Camembert Flavour

  1. Eileen M Loya says:

    It is always nice to know about new products that are vegan. This cheese looks really good. This might be good for my husband who sometimes gets an upset stomach when he eats dairy. As much as he loves cheese, a vegan option would be best for him. Thank you for introducing me to Violife.

  2. Natalie says:

    OMG I need to get my hands on this! I’ve tried Violife on pizza at the local pizzeria but have yet to find it in stores here. Vegan here too ๐Ÿ™‚

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