Making the effort to make sure that your love ones know you care can make all the difference in a relationship. Especially as we have had a massive lock down for what seems like ages, going the extra effort to continue to show the ones you care about just how much you love them is very important. Though it is important to say you love the people around you, there are lots of little gestures that can really help them feel cared for and loved.
Around the House

One way to show that you care is through doing little chores or tasks you wouldn’t normally do around the house. Does someone you live with always do the dishes? If you do the dishes, without being asked or told, that can be a big surprise and give them a bit more time in their evening, as well as show how you notice what they are doing and appreciate it, without having to say a world. This can even extend to cooking a dinner or lunch for them, which is always lovely.
Small Gifts

Getting small gifts as a physical reminder of how much you care is quite nice, in small doses. My partner often gets me flowers, just because, and I place them in a vase on my desk. They are a reminder that he thought of me and thought to pick out some flowers that I would love. Aside from flowers, you can always grab a small snack you know your loved one likes but didn’t put on the shopping list or if you want to go for something a bit bigger, some jewelry or something they’ve been asking about for a while.
Print Memories

We live in a very digital age, where we are able to take pictures every time we go out or are with someone. Taking the time to pick out some lovely pictures of you and the person you love, and get them printed, can make a really nice gesture! Once you have these printed, you can give them to your loved one or display them in your home, to remind them of the happy times you’ve both had together. I love seeing myself and my family happily enjoying places in pictures and it makes a nice reminder to a wonderful time.

One massive way to show someone you care about them is through cuddling them or just being near them. We always take the time to sit near each other in the evenings and cuddle together at the end of long days. Being physically close to someone can really make a difference, especially if you don’t spend much time during the day or are a bit busy at work most days. Spending time with your loved one always shows how much you care.