A Day Out at Wicked the Musical

Wicked the Musical

Robin has previously never really picked places to go and adventures to go on. She likes to describe us as an Adventure Family, and always asks where we are going next, but lately she has been giving suggestions as to what she wants to do and go too. The other day she asked to go see Wicked the Musical, which she had seen advertised when we went to the movies to watch Matilda, and then saw ads for on her phone games and a poster around town. Dann and I were really excited at her suggestion, as she normally doesn’t pick such a new thing to try. So, we booked up Wicked the Musical for that weekend.

We have seen quite a few plays in Robin’s lifetime, but Wicked the Musical was clearly one that fell above the others we had seen. The stage was grand, and super well used in the design, which instantly impressed me. The Good Witch was able to travel via bubble around, using a circular contraption, that move around the stage. From the start characters were going through trapped doors, a giant dragon was moving and blowing smoke from the top of the stage, and there were characters climbing on the sides of the stage and using it as a two story tall house. It’s really magical to see how this stage transforms; items moving on it’s own, bridges being places across the middle, and so much use of the entire stage.

The stage at Wicked the Musical

Wicked the Musical is based on the Wizard of Oz, which I have not seen in several years. The story showcased how the Wicked Witch and the Good Witch came to be, that they knew each other, and everything that happened leading up to when the Wicked Witch dies in the Wizard of Oz, as well as what happens afterwards. The play had wonderful acting and singing, with so many different timed songs and dances. The Good Witch was ditzy, and funny, with the Wicked Witch being very relatable and someone you could really understand. A lot of the play answered questions that people might have from the Wizard of Oz; who was crushed by the house, why were their shoes magical, how come the Wicked Witch was wicked, why was she green, etc.

This twist showing that the baddie in the Wizard of Oz wasn’t really bad; that the tin man was tin with a small heart due to someone else, that the cowardly lion was a coward due to being saved, etc was very interesting and entertaining to watch. The story really came together at the end, wrapping up a bunch of loose ends and showing how the happily ever after happened for everyone. There were sad moments, action filled moments, and moments of teenagers just being teenagers while both witches were in college. It was a funny play with so many moments that felt really well written and designed. Even if you aren’t a huge fan of the Wizard of Oz, Wicked the Musical is a brilliant play that is worth watching and enjoying. I am so glad Robin suggested this play and that we were able to just go that weekend, and enjoy some time together as a family in such a wonderful place. All three of our children were impressed with the play and continued talking about it all weekend, which was lovely to hear.

Getting treats at Wicked the Musical

The lobby of the play had a bunch of t-shirts, water bottles and other items that you could purchase to remember the play by. There were also snacks like popcorn, pick and mix, and ice cream mochi that could be purchased too. Drinks and snacks can be purchased during the intermission at the bar inside the theatre, and you can also have items delivered to you at your seat. This made it pretty easy to get snacks, which I felt might be a bit tricky with three very snack-y children!

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

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