Legoland Windsor Adventure Golf – Fun mini-courses

A few years back, we went to every single adventure golf within a reasonable distance of our house. It was a year of exploring them all, rating them, and deciding the best golf place. Since then, we often do at least one round of adventure golf per holiday that we are on, as they are such a classic way to spend time. When we were last at Legoland Windsor, we saw that they were building the Legoland Windsor Adventure Golf – an indoor, Lego-themed golf course, and we said we would go when they opened. Now, we took the chance!

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A Day Out at Adventure Golf

Adventure Island is very close to our home, and so we go so often! Though Adventure Island is an amusement park and arcade, there is Adventure Golf attached to it, which allows people to pay a fee to take on one of two mini-golf courses. We have passed this on our way into the park several times, and it was finally time to try it out. There are two different courses at the Adventure Golf that you can take on and we went for the one that sort of moved above the other, getting some height in the course!

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When the weather is nice, we go out and explore mini-golf places! We’ve been to several in the area; from dinosaurs to pirates, we’ve been to everything nearby. When the half term came up, the kids wanted to go to a new mini-golf place, despite the cold weather. As we didn’t want to get stuck in the rain, we looked for local places that were indoor, and came across BCK YRD GOLF, which wasn’t too far away! BCK YRD GOLF aims itself at teenagers / young adults, but does have a family pass for children, so we figured, why not!

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A Day Out at Rascal Bay Adventure Golf

We love a bit of mini-golf at our household, so when summer came, we set off to a new golf course. This time, we went to Rascal Bay Adventure Golf in Brentwood. I’m not sure if Rascal Bay really knows what theme it want’s to be, and instead seems to combine pirates with dinosaurs, throwing in a lava zone and adding… cannibalism? Again, we didn’t really see how all of these connected in a small 18 golf hole place, but we were happy to be somewhere new none-the-less.

In Rascal Bay, you start off in a pirate area, going through holes that are themed around these. One of the first awesome holes we came too was a cannon that made a loud noise if you got the ball through it, spitting it out on the other side. It was a very good start to our golf time and proved to be Kai’s over-all favourite hole! Soon, we hit a hole with a photo opp in the middle – a pot cooking humans, which ended the pirate area for a bit, as we moved onto the jungle area. All of a sudden, the course was pretty focused on animals, the snake being Jupiter’s favourite hole. It looks like a really, impossibly twisty snake, but if you put your ball in you will hear a click and hear the ball being moved before shooting out the tail.

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A Day Out at Dinosaur Safari Adventure Golf

I am pretty sure we have gone to every dinosaur golf park now, within the UK! Mini-golf is one of those things that everyone seems to enjoy. You can decide if your family wants to take things seriously or if you want to give out re-dos and ditch the score sheet. Now that Robin is a bit older, we actually do keep score, but give everyone generous scoring. As the Dinosaur Safari Adventure golf had opened back up, we decided to give this place a go!

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