Kai asked to go to Legoland, so off to Legoland Windsor we went. Jupiter has never been to an amusement park in the United Kingdom, nor had she been to Legoland, so she was very excited! Dann on the other had had been to Legoland and other amusement parks, but not with the kids, so it’s exciting times for all.

Legoland Windosr with three kids was quite the outing. Robin, the smallest of the three, was not big enough for the entire park. The other two were though, and as there were two adults, it was easy to split them up a bit to go on rides. We started off by going through the Star Wars area, checking out all of the huge scenes from the movie. There were plenty of interaction points, which allowed the kids to hit buttons to make lights work. It was a good little walk and start to our day.
The first ride we went on was in the Viking Area, where Jupiter, Amelia and Kai got into a raft and floated through a river ride. There were dragon fights, shields and vikings all made out of Lego. After getting a bit wet, we went to find an area that had more stuff for Robin.
Stopping at a massive jungle gym area, where the kids played for ages, we grabbed drinks and checked out the duplo area. Duplo in Legoland Windsor is meant to be for younger children, so Robin, Amelia and Dann went on a train ride and a car ride, while Kai and I looked at the shop. We purchased some Lego for home and watched as the others went on rides.

We then went to the miniature village, where the kids ran around shouting OHHH and AHHH at various buildings that were recreated in Lego. The miniature village at Legoland Windsor actually is really interesting to look at. There are so many cities represented, as well as just general places around, that you could spend ages there. Once we had spent a bit of time there, rain started to pour.

We quickly found an indoor area full of a wall of fish. The children split up, creating fish out of Lego on tablets they had dotted around, that they then could feed by interacting with the wall or building with physical Lego on the sides. We really spent quite some time in here, creating fish and waiting for the rain to go away. Once it was gone, we got a touch of ice cream.

We then traveled over to the Lego Ninjago area, where Kai, Robin and Dann went into a ninja adventure ride, while Amelia and I rocked climbed on the play area outside of it. As it turns out, Amelia really loves rock climbing. I was happy for the break after walking along this massive park. Legoland Windsor is not somewhere you can get through in one day – we didn’t!
There were a few rides with super long wait times, but we did come on a weekend during school holiday. We did walk along all of the areas, not having enough time to properly check out the pirate area, but thoroughly seeing the Friendship area. We ended up going elsewhere for dinner, as the restaurants close at 4:30 within the park, which is a touch early for the kids to eat.

At the end of the day, Legoland Windsor is somewhere that I plan to go back too. I really do want to explore the Egyptian area (which had the longest wait times for rides) and the pirate area when we next visit. They also have special Halloween rides in October, which is pretty cool. The kids were quite tired by the end of the day, but it’s one they still talk about weeks later.
You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!