[Ad- gifted product] The kind people of Lindisfarne Limited sent us along a bottle of their original Lindisfarne mead to try. Its a drink with a lot of history – predating wines, beers and every modern-convenience. But old doesn’t always mean gold.
Near where I grew up there is a place called Barn Mead, as a matter of fact, a good friend of mine from my schooling days, Sean, lived there. Growing up in Harlow, I was always told about the presence of a lot of historical relevance littered around the region – even though the town itself had only really been thrown together post-WWII it was laid out across half a dozen small villages which had Roman and Anglo-Saxon roots. I’m pretty sure that Barn Mead was simply just somebody lopping ‘Ow’ off the end of ‘Meadow’ but the word Mead had stuck with me since.