Squishmallows Squad Vibes Sticker Album is a lot of fun for collectors!

[Ad- gifted product] Squishmallows are really something everyone knows about now – the squishy, large (and sometimes small) stuffed animals that children love to collect. Robin and Amelia both have an extensive collection, which goes all over their beds and hanging from various hangers around. They have favorites when it comes to their names and designs. As there are so many to collect, we were delighted to get the Squishmallows Squad Vibes Sticker Album which allows you to find and place in various sticker packs in specific locations to collect them all.

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A Day Out at BeWILDerwoods

While out at Waxham Sands, we really wanted to spend a day doing a big, outdoor family event. A while back, Robin had brought home a flyer from school about BeWILDerwoods. This place wasn’t near to us, so now that we were in the area, we decided to book up a day of adventure for all of our family. BeWILDerwoods is a massive, outdoor, forest-adventure place where you can explore around a bunch of different play parks and areas that have large slides, big rope walks, and mazes. Along with this, there is an over-arcing story that is told through puppet shows and book-statues around the park, making everything link together.

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Farplace Board Game is about an animal rescue!

[Ad- gifted product] Farplace is a board game with a mission, as it was created by the animal rescue of the same name, to sort of teach children about rescuing animals and to raise funds for the rescue itself. This board game has a front and back to the board and is designed for two to four players. It’s a bit complex for little ones, due to the special rules for each different animal, but is a pretty interesting board game all together.

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Midweek Meal Inspo; Mini-Meat Balls, Spooky Grilled Cheese, Orange Chicken & more

This week’s bunch of recipes is really chicken heavy – and that’s due to a lot of our fish and beef meals being ones I have already featured on our blog! As the weather got warm, we went back to classic comforts, and had a lot of dishes we have previously had. Orange chicken is one we have had before, but I figured it would be fine to keep one repeat in the post. This week, Robin helped a lot with breakfasts and with one of the dinners, but otherwise we were pretty busy and looking for dishes that could be made quite quickly!

Orange Chicken and Fried Rice

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Rubik’s Phantom is a new way to solve a Rubik!

[Ad- gifted product] I feel like everyone has had their fair share of Rubik Cubes in their lifetime. It’s just one of those toys that seemingly has been around forever and will never go away. We have had a bunch of Rubik Cubes in our household, even, but we have never had a Rubik’s Phantom, which almost looks like a solved Rubik when left out on your counter, but a bit of playing will reveal if it really is solved or not.

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