[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to surprise boxes, they just seem to be apart of children’s toys now. From aliens that you explode to dolls that grow from pots, you can find them everywhere. Robin got two Blume Dolls to try out, one in the Sun series and the other in a Heart series. There are a bunch of different dolls, but they all follow the same concept when it comes to growing them out of their pot and their own surprises.

This pot ends up breaking through watering – which you can do with a little watering can that comes with it. First, you will need to pull off the foil top, revealing a set of stickers and a top that needs watering. The water doesn’t look like it will be absorbed in the top of the flowerpot house, but it will, and slowly the top of the doll will popout. As it turns out, these dolls have hair that are like squishes – they are flexible and bending.
Once the doll has popped out, you can pull it’s body out and pull apart the sides of the flower pot, revealing three more mystery spots and showing a house for the doll to live in. Inside each house, you can find an outfit, shoes, a pet and a bag. Robin decorated the inside with stickers in whatever way she wanted, which she quite enjoyed. We ended up getting Nori and Mandy – Nori actually is a sun one, which is colour changing when brought into the sun. The hair on that doll seemed to have more of a design.

Robin really seemed to enjoy the set and loved the little pets that came with them. She called both of them onions and has continued with that. The dolls don’t completely fit back into their houses, but they still enjoy playing around in them it seems! These toys were fun to open and quite surprising, in a good way, though the main fun is the doll themselves.
These dolls kind of remind me of the Troll dolls you used to be able to get, because of their big hair
I use to collect trolls as a kid! I see the connection.