Easter Decorations with Paint Pop Paint Sticks

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to children, they often love arts and crafts! Decorating for the holidays and doing special holiday crafts is always a great way to spend time together and to do something a bit different. Paint Pop Paint Sticks are a really easy and fun way to allow your children to paint, without all of the set – getting out brushes, water, all of the different colors. Instead, the Paint Pop Paint Sticks 24 Pack has a bunch of different colors in tubes, sort of like glue sticks, that children can twist up and draw with!

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Becoming a little mother with Nenuco Dolls of the World

[Ad- gifted product] Often, children do want to copy their parents and what they see around them! When Robin got her hands on the Nenuco Dolls of the World, she was super excited to have a little baby to take care of and play with as if it was her own. This doll is super realistic, with hair that can be brushed or pinned, arms that can be moved, and with a little mouth that can be fed a bottle.

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DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos Game is family friendly, fun and engaging!

[Ad- gifted product] At Robin’s age, we are always on the look out for new video games that she can play, that are appropriate and easy for her to understand on her own. As she has gotten older, she has been able to play more types of games, but often they don’t hold her attention for long, with her instead wanting to switch from game to game. Her current favorite is DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos, which was a surprise to us, as we are pretty sure she’s not got any background on any of these heroes!

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World Book Day with Pretend To Bee

[Ad- gifted product] World Book Day is right around the corner, so children all over the world are getting ready to dress as their favourite book characters! As an American who never had school uniforms, I always get excited whenever our children can dress differently at school, as a way to express themselves, and what better way then to be inspired by a book that has really stuck with them, to share that book with others. This year, Robin wanted to go as The Very Hungry Caterpillar, mostly because she thinks it’s super funny that the bug eats so much!

Pretend to Bee

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Celebrating Disney’s 100th Anniversary with their New Stuffed Toys!

[Ad- gifted products] Disney has been a name in everyone’s household, for so long! Long enough that we can actually put them into years – 100 years to be exact. Disney are celebrating this occasion with their new D100 Plush Collection, which reflects on the heritage of Disney and focuses on some of their older titles.

My youngest memory of Disney happens to be around Winnie the Pooh. When I was very young, I had a cassette player and a Winnie the Pooh cassette which told a story about Winnie the Pooh and on the flip side had a story about a soldier who found Winnie the Pooh, a black bear, and kept her as a sort of army pet. Winnie ended up living as a mascot to this troop, until one day he moved to. The idea of having a pet bear and this bear traveling throughout the world, was something I found super interesting and comforting.

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