Becoming a Spy with the Spy Ninjas New Recruit Mission Kit

[Ad- gifted product] Recently, we went to a spy mission escape room with the kids, who all really enjoyed it. So much so, that Kai has been talking about being a spy for the better half of the week. So, we got our hands on the Spy Ninjas New Recruit Mission Kit – which has a bunch of activities for those interested in being a spy! This kit came with loads of things including three main tools; a decoder, an invisible ink pen, and a listening device, as well as three activity booklets, an achievement award, an ID Card for the spy (which has Morse code decoder on the back), a red card used for spying hidden messages, a notebook for clues, and an envelope that says TOP SECRET.

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Zimpli Kids Rainbow Baff Bombz is really cool!

[Ad- gifted product] Zimpli Kids is known for their fun bath products! From bath slimes to bath geli, they do have a lot of fun options! Zimpli Kids even has a selection of bath bombs designed for kids; colorful rockets and rainbows that look amazing in the bath. Amelia and Robin were very excited for the rainbow bombs, which remind me f the rainbows from Pretty Suds a few years back. This bath bomb is in the shape of a cloud, with colors at the bottom of the cloud.

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Cooking EVERYTHING in my Always Pan.

For Christmas last year, one of the main gifts that Dann got me was an Always Pan. I had been previously looking at these pans, but could not justify the price and was not sure if the pan was all that it is set up to be. The Always Pan boosts being the only pan you need. Non-stick, easy to clean, useful for basically everything you want to cook. This pan is meant to replace your frying pan, saute pan, steamer, skillet, saucier, saucepan, non-stick pan, and comes with a spatula and spoon rest. Excited to try out this pan, I have been using it for months.

Always Pan

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Ryan’s Rescue Squad allows kids to become a superhero

[Ad- gifted product] We are always looking for fun, kid-friendly video games that are age appropriate (read not too difficult) for Robin to play on her own! As she is only five years old, the games that her older siblings play are often too hard for her, and when she is on her own she struggles. So, whenever we can find a new game that works for her, we love getting our hands on it! Ryan’s Rescue Squad is designed for younger kids, bringing them into Ryan’s World, where he is a super hero – collecting eggs, coins and suns, beating up baddies, and solving puzzles.

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Trying Violife Le Round Camembert Flavour

[Ad- gifted product] On this blog, we have tried a few of the different Violife products, but we had not tried the Le Round Camembert Flavour cheese round. All of these cheeses are completely vegan providing a great alternative for those who either don’t eat dairy or, like me, are intolerant to dairy. They also are just very good generally. Dann is a huge fan of camembert, loving the funk, but for me it can often be very overwhelming, so I was interested in seeing how the Violife brand would fare.

Violife Camembert

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