Pretty Suds November 2020 Bath Bomb Box | Review

November’s Pretty Suds box was Christmas themed – perfect for this time of year! After last month’s box of Halloween ones, I was pretty excited to get Christmas themed bath bombs, despite purchasing some from Lush already. I find that nice, warm baths in the winter can be so relaxing and such a good way to unwind, especially as the nights get colder and the days get shorter. The theme for November was Santa’s Workshop, which is truly perfect. Each box comes with five different bombs.

Snowflake & Candy Cane

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Meeting Santa When you can’t go out | Wonder Adventures Review

[Ad- gifted product] Covid-19, and various other things, have made 2020 a bit of a rollercoaster when it comes to maintaining traditions. Over the last couple of year’s we’ve always made an effort to get the children along to see Santa for Christmas when we can, but what with lockdown, quarantine and more, we’ve not been able to get the children along to see him this year. Thankfully, there seems to almost always be a digital solution available for such things, and so this year – through Wonder Adventures – we still managed to get the kids a chance to chat to the big red fella, and it was fantastic.

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Naked Marshmallow Gourmet Marshmallow Toasting Gift Set | Review

We love tying out new activities at our place and we love little kits! Last year, I had a Naked Marshmallow Gourmet advent calendar, with a little toasting pot that meant that each day we could toast up a new marshmallow. This year, I wanted to still try something from Naked Marshmallow – and as it turns out, they have a few festive flavor marshmallows just for the holidays!

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Carfume Luxury Christmas Scents | Review

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to air fresheners for cars, we tend to go with those big, plastic jelly bean looking ones that smell strongly of fruit. They are what we’ve seen people use, but in this day and age, with so much plastic being created and used, it’s worth taking a look at some other car fresheners that are a bit better for the world. Carfume air fresheners market themselves at luxury air fresheners – and they really live up to that!

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Top 5 Best Low Alcohol or Alcohol-Free Beers

[Ad- gifted product] For a lot of people, the ability to go out and socialise or meet with friends is utterly essential to modern survival. In many cases that can go hand in hand with grabbing a drink or two, and now – more than ever – there’s so much choice that it can be baffling. But, if you’re not the sort to dip into a tipple or two then that widening of variety brings with it an added relief, because the alcohol-free, or low-alcohol, selection has grown as well. Most supermarkets have got at least five or six shelves of specifically alcohol-free versions of drinks and there are also plenty of places online which specialise in them as well.

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