[Ad- gifted product] The sun is out, the birds are tweeting each day, and everything seems a bit warm and bright during the day. Now that the weather has gotten better, children are out playing outside, in nature. Bright Minds has tons of nature toys to help children better interact and even learn from the world around them – a much needed break from screens and always being in front of video games. Kai, actually, started playing a Roblox game all about becoming an ant and living in an ant colony. As he had this new fascination with ants, we wanted to bring that interest to the real world, so we decided to get Kai a starter ant farm. He’s quite excited about having a “proper” ant farm (IE, one with a queen ant) but those last for 30 years as an active farm, so we figured a starter farm would be better for him. To get ready to get ants, we actually picked up three items from Bright Minds.
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