Barry’s Cactus Club Plant Subscription | Review

After trying out Lazy Flora’s plant subscription, I wanted to explore other plant-based subscription boxes! Barry’s Cactus Club was so new that it was only taking pre-orders and I wanted to get on board for the first few months. We are now three month’s in, so I figured I would write up how this club has been so far. It’s a very new service, much like Lazy Flora was when I tried it out, so there might be more changes in the future. Each month, you are meant to get one cactus, one card which tells you about the cactus, a tiny pot and then some bonus items!

Month One, Zebra Plant

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Beer52 – Mixed Beers Subscription | Review

As you are probably aware, there are lots and lots of monthly subscription boxes out there – from monthly cat gift boxes through to make-up and bath-bomb boxes. So, it makes sense that there’s a monthly beer box. Beer52 is my first experience of a beer box like this, and it’s quite an interesting offering; Certainly more than just a crate of random beers.

For a start, the whole thing is designed as a ‘discovery club’ more than a crate ‘o beer, and that’s fair, it feels themed and deliberate, specifically featuring a wider variety of beers than you’d normally find in your local supermarket. It’s also complete with a couple of bar snacks, and there’s also a brilliant magazine all about craft beers, and brewing on the whole. Much like a Nat Geo, New Scientist, or any of the other specialist, serial magazines it’s a perfect little casual read if you want to learn more about the specialist subject that it is built around. It’s also good coffee table decor.

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Mud & Bloom Subscription Box – Four Months On | Review

Back at the start of the year, I made a decision that the house would try and do more activities away from screens. There were a lot of reasons why we decided to make a move – the adults of the house both work in games, and work from home, so a lot of our time is spent working in front of monitors, but that is very much a situation we have chosen ourselves. As we work in games we always have something new for the kids to watch or play with, and it’s certainly nice (for me) to have them share a hobby with me. However, they came to expect it, and they came to be very reluctant to move away from the screen. I would suggest we go to play in the garden and be met with grumbles!

So, we took to the road more often, saw more sights. We got a new printer so we could print more stuff off and then… well, Covid-19 happened and all of a sudden there was more time (and we needed the printer) and the way that the day worked changed. We also couldn’t get out to the same places in the same way, uh oh!

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Mysteries in Time – Kid’s Subscription Box | Review

[Ad- gifted product] This month we tried out something new with the Mysteries in Time monthly history subscription box which, as you can imagine by the name, is a great tool when it comes to history for kids. It’s a box aimed at 7-11-year-olds, which two of my kids qualify under, and as the first month was on Ancient Egypt it seemed like a perfect fit for Kai, who had recently studied it as one of his half-term topics for school. I’m a bit of a history buff myself, and he had really enjoyed the recent topic work, so it seemed like a perfect. As with any box, or any study package, there definitely needs to be a willingness to learn, or a general sense of excitement around the topic.

Firstly, the box is really well designed (we got the bumper box for this review). It’s a rectangular cardboard box which closes and seals up quite tightly. It’s not always common for these things to feel like they are designed with longevity in mind, but the box is well constructed and has survived the cat sitting on it, and it being dropped once, with no wear and tear.

Mysteries in Time

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Lazy Flora Plant Subscription | Review

Until recently, we only had a few plants on our window in the kitchen. An orchid Dann got me as a gift, a random plant we meant to gift to a friend but were a month early to their housewarming and small, stem-y plant that Dann picked up on a whim. We really enjoy these little plants, but have been looking for some more to fill other windows in our home. When it comes to plants for indoor gardening, we often don’t know, off the top of our head, what they are, how to look after them, or if they will get along with Pancake our cat.

Plants make Dann happy and I enjoy them too – bringing a little bit of freshness and outdoors indoors. When I saw Lazy Flora advertised on Instagram, I took a look at it. The company is new and focuses on sending a different plant, either indoor or outdoor, to your home each month. You can upgrade your plan to include a pot for the plant and you can also specify if you need pet friendly plants or if you don’t mind. We went for the pet friendly plants with the pots and subscribed for two months. We got a bonus Rubber Plant for signing up to their newsletter and also ordered a terrarium.

Month One, February

Lazy Flora

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