The Moon Almanac – Moon Guide to the Lunar Year

The Moon Almanac

[Ad- gifted product] The moon, hanging up in the sky, is often something more talked about during the autumn months. I always have an interested in space, the moon, stars, and everything astrological – I guess it comes with the name. So, when I saw The Moon Almanac, I became pretty excited to learn about the moon! The book itself is really beautiful, with a dark blue color and lots of halo, rainbow highlights to the words and designs on the book.

Inside the cover, you can find a small guide on what exactly this book is – explaining what an almanac is (an informational calendar, basically) and how to use this book. The Moon Almanac isn’t a book that you just sit down and read through, but instead is a book that you might flip through when you notice the moon outside and want to know more about it. Each chapter is about a different month’s moon, which is in the order of the months of the year. On the starting page of this chapter, there is the most interesting thing about the moon in 2021, on this month. In October, the featured subject is about a 43 minute eclipse.

Inside the chapter, you learn loads about the moon – but specifically to do with the month you have chosen. In October, the moon is often called The Hunter’s Moon, as it’s a good month to hunt in, which is often done late into the night There is also a bunch of information on how the Pagans, Wiccans and neopagans honour life’s passage during this month, through the Triple Goddess. I had never heard of the Triple Goddess, but learned loads through this aspect of the chapter. We then move into literature to do with the October Moon, which includes a few poems that have been written about this specific moon.

The last area of this chapter is all about the Eclipse. It talks about different places in the world and what they thought eclipse were. While most cultures thought that some sort of animal or create ate the moon during an eclipse, it’s interesting to hear exactly what creature each area of the world felt was eating the moon. Other places, though fewer, felt that an eclipse was about the Moon and the Sun having a bit of private time or coming together with each other, in a more romantic light. The Moon Almanac also contains sections that are more about science, as appose to myths and culture. In this chapter, there was a lot about the change in wind and temperature when it comes to how an eclipse effects the world scientifically. It talked about the first time scientists banded together to collect data to figure out why the temperature and wind patterns changed during the eclipse, and what they discovered. To end out the chapter, there is a lovely quote, in a really neat font, giving you a final closing thought.

Inside each chapter of The Moon Almanac, the level of detail is the same as the outside. There are different colored pages to highlight aspects of the chapter, as well as different fonts which are used to highlight aspects of the challenge. There are tiny pictures and details that highlight and divide up things you can learn. It’s just a really well made book that’s clearly got a lot of thought put into it an a lot of research done specifically around the Moon. It’s amazing to learn so much, dipping in and out whenever I see the moon hanging in the sky and wonder what’s unique about this month.

Check out This post is apart of our Blogtober series, all with a Halloween or Autumn theme.

24 thoughts on “The Moon Almanac – Moon Guide to the Lunar Year

  1. Stephanie says:

    My boys have been asking a lot of questions about the moon lately. They enjoy reading so this would be great for them. I’ve always been interested in space as well 🙂


    I don’t really know much about the moon. Sounds like an interesting book to learn about the different month’s moons and other things such as pagans etc.

  3. Catherine says:

    Looks like such a cool and interesting read especially with Halloween coming up! This sounds like a fun one to check out.

  4. Melissa Cushing says:

    This sounds super interesting! I love a good book and this one is the perfect addition to my collection. I would love to learn more about the moon and its many phases 😉 Thank you for sharing!

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