How To Break Out of a Detention Centre at Riverside Studios

[Ad- gifted experience] Our second play at Riverside Studios was so much different from our first. We went to see How to Break Out of a Detention Centre, a more emotional and intense performance about immigration camps in the United Kingdom. This show is based on real stories from women who have been in these detention centres, showcasing what has happened to them.

How To Break Out of a Detention Centre
Photo Credit: Hector Manchego

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A Day Out at Adventure Golf

Adventure Island is very close to our home, and so we go so often! Though Adventure Island is an amusement park and arcade, there is Adventure Golf attached to it, which allows people to pay a fee to take on one of two mini-golf courses. We have passed this on our way into the park several times, and it was finally time to try it out. There are two different courses at the Adventure Golf that you can take on and we went for the one that sort of moved above the other, getting some height in the course!

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World Book Day with Pretend To Bee

[Ad- gifted product] World Book Day is right around the corner, so children all over the world are getting ready to dress as their favourite book characters! As an American who never had school uniforms, I always get excited whenever our children can dress differently at school, as a way to express themselves, and what better way then to be inspired by a book that has really stuck with them, to share that book with others. This year, Robin wanted to go as The Very Hungry Caterpillar, mostly because she thinks it’s super funny that the bug eats so much!

Pretend to Bee

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Celebrating Disney’s 100th Anniversary with their New Stuffed Toys!

[Ad- gifted products] Disney has been a name in everyone’s household, for so long! Long enough that we can actually put them into years – 100 years to be exact. Disney are celebrating this occasion with their new D100 Plush Collection, which reflects on the heritage of Disney and focuses on some of their older titles.

My youngest memory of Disney happens to be around Winnie the Pooh. When I was very young, I had a cassette player and a Winnie the Pooh cassette which told a story about Winnie the Pooh and on the flip side had a story about a soldier who found Winnie the Pooh, a black bear, and kept her as a sort of army pet. Winnie ended up living as a mascot to this troop, until one day he moved to. The idea of having a pet bear and this bear traveling throughout the world, was something I found super interesting and comforting.

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Tom Gates: Happy to Help (eventually) new book and clothing line

[Ad- gifted product] World Book Day is right around the corner, so it’s a great time to get your child into reading and find new books for them to read! Robin always gleefully announces her favourite hobby is reading, so getting her new books is something we are constantly doing. As she is six turning seven this year, she is in a weird place where she wants to read chapter books, but if they don’t have any sort of drawings, she gets bored with them quickly! The series of Tom Gates books are perfect for her, as they have little drawings on each page, funny fonts, and are just very engaging!

Tom Gates

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