I love ramen! I have always loved ramen. Whether you want to make your boring, Top Ramen instant noodles a bit more spooky or want to get fancy with your own homemade bone broth, we have a bunch of cute ideas to make the spookies, tastiest ramen that you could enjoy! For our version, we used a pre-made ramen broth, as we just aren’t as skilled as we could be on making our own.
I love baked apples – they look spooky, they taste yummy, and they are perfect this time of year. I also love ice cream, and making a cinnamon ice cream to go on top is always very fun! We love playing around with new desserts, and whether you make the ice cream to enjoy on some warm apples or make the baked apples and add whipped cream. I am happy to share my recipe for baked apples and cinnamon ice cream for you to try this autumn.
When the leaves start changing color, I start to think about all of the different ways to enjoy apples. I use to work at an apple orchard and bring home lots of apples for apple pie or apple crisp. This filling is the best apple pie filling I’ve ever had and reminds me of home. It’s a recipe that’s been past down, that’s very simple to make – and most of the ingredients can be found in your home normally. This apple pie filling recipe is also very easy to follow.
My Nanny, who reads my blog (Hi!) is a huge inspiration to my cooking. She played a big part in cooking when I was a child and instilled a love of food, cooking and baking into my soul. Nanny also has the most awesome tools when it comes to aiding herself in making foods. One of her favorite things to make are raviolis! Currently, I do not have one of her ravioli templates, but she has these big, square, templates that you can press lightly into the dough to mark out where the raviolis will be cut, then you can fill those areas, add another layer of dough, and press down the template again to make loads of perfectly square raviolis at once! Nanny took some pictures of these templates, the newest have been made by my uncle, and wanted me to share her recipes and this invention with you all! Her raviolis are fun to make and simply delicious. In this post, we have both the meat filling and cheese filling recipe.
One Recipe a Week has been continuing strong in our household! This time, we took a look at the Munchies Guide to Dinner. This cookbook is for people who are just learning how to cook. The first few pages talk about properly storing your food and the book itself is mainly basics like roasting a chicken, making your own salad dressing and cooking lasagna. Lots of these recipes are stuff most people know how to do, but we decided to take a look at Pork Schnitzel. This recipe had a goal, like most recipes in the book – specifically to learn how to bread various things. At the start of each recipe in the book, it states what your main takeaway is.