Dann has a lot of Mexican cook books dotted around, including Death by Burrito. Death by Burrito is an interesting cookbook as it was written by a co-owner of a restaurant in Shoreditch who had never actually ran a restaurant or cooked professionally. After travelling to Mexico and California, they made up a menu for their restaurant and eventually made this book of all of the stuff that they cook there.
Death by Burrito isn’t the best cookbook – it’s actually one of the more confusing books we actually own. Midway through recipes, it instructs you to go to different pages and make something else, which is pretty challenging when trying to time out food or follow the recipe. Flipping back and forth becomes a constant while cooking, as you try to make little side dishes that go inside the dish you are creating or typing. It’s really great that the book has recipes for salsa verde and different rices, but having the person cooking flip between pages is really a challenge. With that in mind, we are sharing just the recipe for Chicken Enchiladas, not the Chipotle Rice or the Salsa Verde which can be in it.
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