Me & My Pet How We First Met Personalized book

[Ad- gifted product] Personalized books hold a special place in our household. Dann has his own personalized book from when he was a child, sitting on our shelf, well looked through and treasured. So, whenever we see new personalized books – we love to take the time to explore them. There is something about being inside of a story that really resonates with young readers, exciting them to explore the pages and words before them. In The Book have a wide range of personalized books that you can use to create a more memorial story for your children, and we picked to highlight Robin and her pet hamster Lasagna, in the Me & My Pet How We First Met series.

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Easing Back to School Anxiety with the IMOO Smart Watch

[Ad- gifted product] Kai has started his first year at Secondary School, which is always a big step in a child’s life. Secondary school comes with more freedom, a completely different school, and a lot more hanging out with friends it seems! Though he isn’t quite a teenager yet, he’s not at the age where he has a mobile phone, but we wanted to be able to communicate with Kai when he gets out of school and is over at friends home – as well as ensure he can communicate with us in case he needs us. That’s where the IMOO Smart Watch comes in. It’s a great device for those who aren’t quite ready for the freedom of a mobile but still might want to communicate and have a way to talk to friends and family. This watch provides quite a bit of peace of mind when it comes to ensuring your child can contact you and knowing where your child is, in case of an emergency.

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Taking a look at GirlTalk Magazine issue 672

[Ad- gifted product] When it comes to magazines, the girls are quite interested in the colorful, vibrant covers of what is currently in our local Tesco. That’s where GirlTalk is also stocked – in both a single magazine and a bundle of two with extra gifts. These magazines do come with lots of little toys – something that seems to draw children in, but what about the contents within the magazine? Well, we got our hands on another issue of GirlTalk and have excitedly dived into the magazine.

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Little Cooks Co Baking Box for July

In July, Amelia got probably her favorite Little Cooks Co Baking box to date! This box is a monthly subscription box which encourages cooking and baking in the kitchen with your little one – creating a sweet and a savory recipe, using lots of ingredients that are packed right in the box, as well as a few fresh ingredients you need to provide yourself. This month’s box included a delicious raspberry cake, some kale chips, and a craft that Amelia really enjoyed – as well as some seeds and some conversation cards (though we don’t really use these at our household).

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Finding the best Children’s Autumn Jacket with Dare2B

[Ad- gifted product] Autumn is just around the corner and beyond that is wintertime, so it’s finally time to pick out new jackets and warmer clothing, in preparation for the change in weather. England is particularly fickle with weather changing from sunny to rainy to just chilly all in one day, depending on the weather for that day. Between school runs, back to school times, and trying to get something suitable for all three children, it felt easier to grab some jackets online, with Dare2B, a website full of high quality clothing and jackets for children and adults alike.

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