[Ad- gifted experience] Dann and I have participated in digital, immersive experiences before, primarily with our table top group, to help us come together during Lockdown or when we are apart from each other. Knot felt like it fit into this sort of category – some sort of digital, audio game that only needed one player. It’s an experience, that you can do on your own terms, really, and requires very little set up. Knot: A Trilogy is spread out into three different chapters, that each are best experienced in different locations, at a set time. To participate in these experiences, you need to download an app and activate your ticket, then wait for the time to come.
In the first chapter of Knot is titled you are meant to be on a park bench in public for this experience. Sadly, it was sprinkling the day that I went to experience Knot, so I opted to sit in my back yard, on a bench, in the rain, to compromise. They do advise that you could have created some sort of bench in your own home if it was raining, but I wanted to stay outside at the very least and didn’t think a bunch of rain would make too much of a difference. I laid out a towel, plugged in my earbuds, and waiting for the timer to tick on.
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