A Day Out at Out of the Darkness Concert

Out of the Darkness Concert

[Ad- gifted experience] It has been such a long time since anything has been properly open, especially performances like plays or concerts. Though there have been some amazing at home shows to view, I was beyond excited to hear that a concert, dedicated to the joy of plays opening back up, through a large group of super talented people. Dann and I both went along to one of their performances at The Bob Hope Theatre and had a really lovely experience.

Out of the Darkness Concert

Out of the Darkness was put on by the Bromley Players, who are a massive group of super talented people. This was a celebration of plays coming back to the stage, so it featured a bunch of starts of plays, all beautifully preformed or sung. There is a lot of talent in this group, especially when it came to singing. As you’d expect at a concert, everyone was singing, but there were so many people that could sing so well. Many of the classic plays, which had songs you probably would have known, were highlighted by the pure talent. Katy Perry’s Roar song gave me goose bumps, as it was preformed early on, and the stage was packed with dancers, signing along the chorus and dancing their hearts out – you could tell. There was also beautifully preformed songs that just seemed to flow well. The concert went from single individuals preforming to group performances, luxating between the two often.

The amount of costume changes were amazing – from long flowing beautiful dresses, to more punk looks, to looks that represented blue collar workers who were singing about unionising – it’s amazing to think they had time to keep changing and rotating as the group came back out. Often when they needed to transition to the next bit, they had subtle light changes or would mostly go off stage, with just a few people lingering until the start of the next aspect of the concert. I think these transitions were really nicely done – as Out of the Darkness represented a lot of different performances, it felt like it flowed and made sense together. With that said, there were also some amazing lighting choices, as the lighting (along with the costumes) set the stage. The use of different types of lighting and colors of lighting divided up the show and did a great job of enhancing the performances. There were a few minor issues where the lights, for whatever reason, were aimed directly into the audience’s face (which was a bit uncomfortable) but this was brief.

The only other real issues I had with Out of the Darkness were tech related. A few times during the performance, there was feedback issues when performers got too close to the speakers and volume issues when some of them started singing. Despite these technical issues, they really sang, danced, and acted their hearts out – you could see in their faces how much everyone was enjoying being back on the stage, how much of their heart was in it, and you could feel how much talent was in the room. Some people came out to sing and dance so many times – it was amazing. There were a few much older people who came out and sang, their hands a bit shaky from nerves, and they completely blew me away with the range and talent of their voices. On the other end of the spectrum, a group of children came out and preformed a song about not needing rules on what you wear and who you are, which was refreshing to see – and they did such an amazing and talented performance. A few women and men seemed to be features in nearly every non-solo performance, somehow remembering so many songs, so many dances, and being able to execute them perfectly – it’s amazing to see this much talent all at once! The Bromley Players seem to be really enjoying their performances, and I am sure I will be back to what what they put on next.

You can check out our other Days Out to see what else we’ve been up too!

18 thoughts on “A Day Out at Out of the Darkness Concert

  1. Cristina Petrini says:

    Personally I need it very much. However in Italy we live under a dictatorial regime and I cannot go to the cinema, to the theater, to concerts, to eat out, to visit a museum. I miss the beauty of art and culture.

  2. Catherine says:

    How exciting to be able to experience live performances again! I am happy they were able to push through the minor tech issues and still put on a great show for everyone!


    It must have been great to get out and see a show. Sounds like you really enjoyed it. Luckily the technical issues were not too bad.

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