Afternoon Tea with Cats at Whiskers & Cream Cat Cafe

It’s no secret that everyone in this home really loves cats and kittens! Pancake, our own cat, is quite spoiled with toys, attention, and treats. We decided to go out one day to the Whiskers & Cream cat cafe to hang out with some new cats while eating treats of our own. When booking to visit the cat cafe, you can either pay an admissions fee (which comes with a free drink) or book for afternoon tea, where there are a bunch of different menus for food options from vegan to children’s menus!

We decided to go for lunch, picking the normal afternoon tea for us adults and the children’s afternoon tea for the children, but let’s talk about the cats. There are 9 cats in Whiskers & Cream – and you are told about each of them. All of these cats have different personalities and like different toys. After being introduced to everyone (and having our food served) it was up to us if we wanted to snack or go play. The kids were able to talk to the staff to find out different cat’s favourite toys, before trying to play with them! Many of the cats were playful, Jasper being the biggest, loudest, and most excited cat.

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Walking an Owl with Coda Falconry

About a year ago, it was Dann’s birthday! Unsure what to get someone who never knows what they want for their birthday, I figured getting an experience was the best option. Dann loves owls and always mentioned a time when his brother got to go off and do a owl experience with his grandparents and how he wanted to do similar. So, after a bit of googling, I ended up booking him a ticket for the Owl Encounter at Coda Falconry – along with a spectator ticket, in case he wanted to bring a friend.

I ended up being that friend! Currently, Coda Falconry isn’t properly open due to COVID, but they still are doing these experiences, as they are with small groups of people. Ours was an own walk, where Dann got to hold the owl, cast him off, and walk around. I got to follow and pet the owl at the end, opting to take pictures and ask questions along the way. Our owl was named Dusk – a beautiful creature with a twin sister who we also got to meet!

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A Day Out at Clip n’ Climb Chelsea

[Ad- gifted experience] Rock climbing is something that, as a kid, I use to do regularly through school. My school had a rock wall and part of Gym Class required you to go on the wall every few months. As an adult, I must say, that I have not really gone out climbing in a long time. Dann and I, enticed in by bright colors and the want for a fun evening, went to Clip n’ Climb Chelsea to see how the adult, after work hours slots would be.

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28-50 Wine Bar & Kitchen Fondue Festival | Review

Both Dann and Jupiter went to a Fondue Festival at the 28-50 Wine Bar & Kitchen, who do yearly Fondue Festivals in London. These take place each Tuesday through February, March and April. We’re not sure if Festival makes a lot of sense in this use, as it’s not really a Festival and more of a sit down dinner but only there for a limited amount of time. Dann really wanted to go, so we both grabbed up some tickets and figured we’d see what happens. Neither of us had been to 28-50 Wine Bar & Kitchen, nor had we had Fondue before, so it was an interesting time.

The first thing worth noting is that you are going to need to go to the Fondue Festival with a friend, as it’s a minimum of two people per fondue. The price is set at £34.95 per person, stacking as you add more people to it. The festival tickets include a set menu – we weren’t even shown a normal menu – which you get to eat from. The venue itself is very upscale, we were quite under dressed, and is a dark and moody place.

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Bone Daddies – Japanese Soul Food | Restaurant Review

It’s no secret that I love Japanese food, I adore a good ramen, a well made broth, a bunch of different toppings. I like eating a variety of food, but after months of lockdown, I just wanted a bowl of ramen. I was absolutely delighted that Bone Daddies in London opened back up (with social distancing measures) to serve some food I hadn’t had in far too long. Dann and I went along to the first weekend they opened back up, hoping to be warmed on a rainy day by a nice bowl of soup.

Korean Fried Wings, Kimchee & Miso Aubergine Bao

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